How to Cook Frozen Pizza in a Toaster Oven?

Are you looking for a quick and easy meal that doesn’t involve much prep time or hassle? Look no further than frozen pizza in a toaster oven! With just a few simple steps, you can have a delicious pizza ready in no time.

To cook a frozen pizza in a toaster oven, preheat the oven to the recommended temperature on the pizza packaging, usually 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove the pizza from the packaging and place it on a baking tray that fits inside the toaster oven. Bake the pizza for 15-20 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the crust is golden brown.

Read on for more detailed instructions and a couple of expert tips.

Cooking Frozen Pizza in a Toaster Oven

Cooking frozen pizza in a toaster oven is a no-brainer. Once you do it a few times and get to know your toaster oven better you’ll be able to pull some Jamie Oliver moves right there in your own kitchen.

1. Preheat the Toaster Oven to 400°F

For the pizza not to get mushy, it needs to be baked at an even temperature for the whole duration of cooking. Select the “Bake” setting and preheat your toaster oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. If your toaster oven doesn’t have a timer that notifies you when it reached the set temperature, set a timer for about 10 minutes.

2. Put the Pizza on a Tray

After you’ve taken the frozen pizza out of the box and unwrapped it, you need to check whether it fits your toaster oven. If not, cut it in half. Place the pizza on a tray and put it in the toaster oven.

In case you don’t have a tray you can place the pizza directly on the oven rack. We avoid doing this as it can make a mess in your toaster oven.

3. Bake for 15-20 minutes

Bake the pizza for the recommended time on the box, usually between 15-20 minutes. It’s best if you check the pizza after 10 minutes to see if it’s turning brown. Trust your eyes on it rather than the label.

4. Bon Appétit!

Excuse our French, Buon Appetito! Sorry, didn’t mean to be cheesy. Á propos, cheesy. When the crust is golden brown and the cheese nicely melted, your pizza is done! Turn off the toaster oven, carefully take out the pizza and when it cools off – enjoy the taste of Italy!

Pizza Setting on a Toaster Oven

The pizza setting on a toaster oven is a pre-set cooking function designed specifically for cooking pizza. Typically, this setting will set the temperature to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and the timer to about 20 minutes for the baking of pizza. If your toaster oven has a pizza setting, it can be a convenient way to cook pizza quickly and easily without having to go through adjusting the temperature and cooking time manually.

Making Frozen Pizza Crust Crispy

To make frozen pizza crust crispy, try brushing the crust with olive oil or garlic butter before cooking. You can also sprinkle the crust with herbs like rosemary or oregano for added flavor. Cooking the pizza on a pizza stone or directly on the oven rack can also help to produce a crispy crust. Additionally, avoid adding too many toppings or overloading the pizza, as this can contribute to sogginess.

Adding Flavor to Frozen Pizza

The key to making a frozen pizza more exciting is to add your own toppings. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and textures. Here are some ideas to get you started:

CheddarBaconBell peppers
Goat cheeseChickenSpinach
GorgonzolaGround beefOlives

FAQs About Frozen Pizza in a Toaster Oven

How Do You Keep Frozen Pizza from Getting Soggy?

To keep frozen pizza from getting soggy, try preheating the oven to a higher temperature and cooking the pizza directly on the oven rack or on a preheated pizza stone. Additionally, be sure to remove any excess moisture from the pizza by patting it dry with a paper towel before cooking. Avoid adding too many toppings or overloading the pizza, as this can also contribute to sogginess.

How Long To Cook Frozen Pizza in a Toaster Oven?

It takes about 20 minutes to cook a frozen pizza in a toaster oven. The exact cooking time varies depending on the size and type of pizza, and the toaster oven you’re using. Be sure to follow the instructions on the pizza packaging for the recommended cooking time and temperature.

Can You Use Pizza Stone in a Toaster Oven?

Yes, you can use a pizza stone in a toaster oven as long as it fits comfortably and doesn’t touch the walls or heating elements. Using a pizza stone in a toaster oven can help to evenly distribute heat and produce a crispy crust. However, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for using a pizza stone in a toaster oven to avoid any potential hazards.

Can You Freeze Cooked Pizza?

Yes, you can freeze cooked pizza by wrapping it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and placing it in an airtight container or freezer bag. Cooked pizza can be stored in the freezer for up to 2-3 months.

Can You Reheat Pizza in a Toaster Oven?

Yes, you can reheat pizza in a toaster oven. Preheat the oven to 400°F and place the pizza slices on a baking tray or rack. Reheat the pizza for 5-10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the crust is crispy. Keep an eye on the pizza to avoid burning.

Final Thoughts on Cooking Frozen Pizza in a Toaster Oven

Cooking frozen pizza in a toaster oven doesn’t require a special set of skills, but needs time and practice to master it. Take your time, get to know your toaster oven better, and you will be able to cook frozen pizza exactly to your liking. Ultimately, nothing tops a good pizza, right? 

Larry Flynn

Hi everyone! My name is Larry Flynn and I've been working in the kitchen appliance industry for decades. From manufacturing to retail and everything in between. My latest hobby is running this website, where I share all the knowledge I gathered throughout the years in the industry. I also run a small toaster repair shop in downtown NY, and collect vintage toasters.

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