About Toaster Report

Welcome to Toaster Report, the ultimate resource for all things toaster-related! Whether you’re looking for toaster reviews, toaster oven recipes, or just want to learn more about these appliances, Toaster Report has you covered.

Did you know that more than 80% of American households own a toaster? With such widespread use of these appliances, it’s no wonder that there’s a need for a centralized hub dedicated to all things toasters. That’s where the idea for Toaster Report came from. With decades of experience in the kitchen appliance industry, the founder of the website recognized the need for a comprehensive resource for toaster enthusiasts and novices alike. Combining his expertise with this idea, Toaster Report was born.

The website is owned and run by Larry Flynn, an experienced professional in the kitchen appliance industry. Larry has worked in various roles, from manufacturing to retail and everything in between, giving him a wealth of knowledge and insights into the world of kitchen appliances. In addition to running a small toaster repair shop in downtown New York, he also shares his knowledge and insights on the Toaster Report website. An avid collector of vintage toasters, Larry is passionate about all things related to kitchen appliances.

At Toaster Report, we believe that a good toaster is an essential tool in any kitchen. That’s why we provide comprehensive reviews of the latest and greatest toasters on the market, along with practical guides to help you make the most out of these appliances. Our website also features a wealth of toasting tips and tricks, as well as delicious recipes that you can make with your toaster or toaster oven.

We are dedicated to providing you with the most up-to-date information and insights about toasters and toasting. Whether you’re a seasoned toaster pro or just starting out, Toaster Report has everything you need to take your toasting game to the next level.

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